Collaboration with FROG-NY

FROG-NY logo

We joined in the NOAA funded project Fluxes of Reactive Organic Gases in New York (FROG-NY) to measure greenhouse gases at at tower in Mineola, NY during summer 2023. We measured CO2, CO, methane, ethane and N2O at two different heights. Our analysis of this data is being lead by graduate student Yuwei Zhao, with field assistance from Andrew Hallward-Driemeier and Roisin Commane and funding from NYSERDA.

The FROG-NY PIs Delphine Farmer (Colorado State University) and Dylan Millet (University of Minnesota) and their whole team have been awesome to work with! There were great presentations from all the team at the AGU Fall meeting in December 2024.

We are going back for a winter intensive in Jan/Feb 2024 with FROGSICLE! This heating season intensive will be very interesting for the greenhouse gases but we don't expect to see much from the biosphere.